Lucky Number 7 Intern Community Blog!

Process, Collaboration, Communication: Experiment = Experience!

Jun 9, 2008


As more and more artists arrive, the installation process is really getting exciting! I love meeting the artists and seeing their work evolve and take form. I'd love to hear from some of you about your experiences working with the artists, and with one another... anyone willing to share?

1 comment:

Cholla Cholla said...

I've enjoyed my time working with Hiroshi Fuji, even while picking through trash at the transfer station (which is pretty cool, you should give it a try). We found some incredible toys during the toy exchange (kaekko), including a small toilet bracelet that allowed the wearer to "flush" anthropomophized poops down the drain. Japanese toys are pretty trippy, as were some of the sculptures made by the children at Fuji-san's workshops.
-Adrienne Lalli